Basic Science 2 SFB 1039 Frankfurt
Krankheitsrelevante Signaltransduktion durch Fettsäurederivate und Sphingolipide
11:00 – 12:15
Raum: ECC Raum III
Moderation: J. M. Pfeilschifter, Frankfurt a. M. | R. Warth, Regensburg
11:00 |
Vorstellung des SFB 1039
11:05 |
Sphingolipid signalling in renal fibrosis
11:25 |
Danger matrix molecules orchestrate inflammatory and autophagic signalling pathways in the kidney
11:45 |
The role of sphingosine -1-phosphate transporter Spinster homolog 2 in kidney diseases
11:55 |
Peptide based inhibition of biglycan/CD14 binding mitigates renal inflammation